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Mars is the second smallest planet in our Solar System. Also described as the "Red Planet," Mars has always been at the center stage of searching the extra-terrestrial life. Let's know some interesting facts about Mars- "The Red Planet:" 1....
Greece was the founder of the famous Olympic Games which began at the wooden valley of Olympia in 776 B.C. What's more is that the Greek calendar was based on the Olympiad or the four year gap between each...
Triceratops is one of the most recognizable species in the dinosauria kingdom- because of three horned and frilly outlook or maybe because it's Tyranno's favorite food? The majority is vast and answers few, so let us take a look...

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The American Flag

35 Interesting Facts About The American Flag

The American flag is a powerful symbol of the United States, representing its history, values, and unity. Consisting of thirteen alternating red and white...

16 Interesting facts about Singapore

Located at the end of Malayan Peninsula between Indonesia and Malaysia, Singapore is an island City-State in Southeast Asia. Spreading across a land area of...
Theresa May

10 Interesting Facts About Theresa May

A practising member of the Anglican Church, the fashion-conscious politician, known for her designer outfits and her love for kitten heel shoes, Theresa May...

16 Interesting Facts About Methamphetamine

Methamphetamine is a human-made stimulant, which is made illegally in the laboratories. Usually, it is sniffed, injected, smoked or swallowed, and its effects vary...

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