18 Interesting Facts About Elephants

Being the Largest Mammal on Earth, Elephants are very calm in Nature. The Habitat of the Elephants is diverse and can easily be found in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and South-East Asia. Their Herbivorous Nature makes them live in Forest, Desert, and Marshes. Having the massive body, other predators like to keep their distance from Elephants, Predators usually, target only young elephants (or “calves”). Elephants have been the symbol of cultures of many countries like India, Thailand and many other Southeast nations. Elephants are highly recognizable and have been featured in folklore, art, religion, literature, and many other popular cultures. In the past, they were used in war and for carrying heavyweight. The Future of this highly recognizable and impressive animal is gloom and doom. They are losing the grounds from the planet due to their habitat destruction. If you want to know some more, go through these some very interesting and amazing facts about this giant animal; Elephant:


image: wondergressive.com

1. The Heaviest On The Land!

The Largest Elephant Ever Recorded
The Largest Elephant Ever Recorded

Elephants are the heaviest animal on the land area. African Elephants normally weigh 4,000–7,000 kg (8,800–15,400 lb) and Asian weigh 3,000–5,000 kg (6,600–11,000 lb). The heaviest Elephant ever recorded weighed about 10,886 kg (24,000 lb).
source: Wikipedia, image: 2.bp.blogspot.com

2. Why Elephants Love Water and Mud?

Elephants wallowing in Mud
Elephants wallowing in Mud
Elephant Swimming in Andaman Sea
Elephant Swimming in the Andaman Sea

Elephants keep themselves cool. Elephants are teased by bugs, so to stay away from bugs, they usually wallow in mud and water. One of the most interesting facts about Elephants is that they are the pretty good swimmers. Moreover, Elephants use mud as a sunscreen, protecting its skin from ultraviolet light from the Sun.
source: list25.com, image: i.ytimg.com, image: c1.staticflickr.com

3. Up To Two Years

Elephants probably have the longest gestation period in all Mammals. A female’s gestation lasts up to 2 years. Elephant females can have babies until they are about 50 years old.
source: Wikipedia

4. Amazing Trunk

Trunk of Elephant
Trunk of Elephant

Although the elephant trunk is really amazing, weighing about 400 pounds, it is so adroit it can pick up very tiny things including a single grain of rice.
source: list25.com, image: ichef.bbci.co.uk

5. How So Sensitive?

An elephant’s skin is generally very tough, at 2.5 cm (1 in) thick on the back and parts of the head. An Elephant’s skin is so sensitive that they can feel even a fly landing over their skin.
source: list25.com

6. From Fight To Work

Elephants were used in wars earlier
Elephants were used in wars earlier

Nowadays Elephants are used to carry heavy luggage. However, in earlier times, Elephants were used in War for Infantry.
source: Wikipedia, image: customwalks.com

7. Can You Have This?

Elephants are herbivores. Elephants feed on roots, grasses, fruit, and bark, etc. An adult elephant can consume up to 300 pounds of food in a single day and about 160 liters of water in a day.
source: nationalgeographic.com

8. Do You Have Such Heart?

Elephant Heart
Elephant Heart

The Elephant has a massive heart. His heart can weigh 12–21 kg (26–46 lb).
source: Wikipedia, image: Wikimedia.org

9. Excellent Memory

Elephants walking through long route
Elephants walking through long route

Elephants have the excellent memory. This is amazing; they possibly have cognitive maps to allow them to remember large-scale spaces over long periods of time. The brain structure of the Elephant is very similar to that of Human.
source: list25.com, image: images.nikonians.org

10. Ivory Owner

Tusks of Elephant
Tusks of Elephant

An Elephant has tusks of length at up to 3 meters. About 100 elephants are being killed every day for their Ivory. Elephant’s Ivory is used to make ornaments.
source: factslides.com, image: rackcdn.com

11. Can You Understand It?

Elephants communicate with each other by touching, stroking
Elephants communicate with each other by touching, stroking
When Elephants are in sex mood, they touch the heads of each other
When Elephants are in sex mood, they touch the heads of each other

Touching is a significant form of communication among elephants. Individuals greet each other by stroking or wrapping each other’s trunks. Older elephants also use trunk-slaps, kicks and shove to discipline younger ones. Elephants can appear more threatening by raising their heads and spreading their both ears. They may add to the display by shaking their heads and snapping their ears, as well as throwing dust and vegetation. They are in the mood for sex when they touch each other’s mouth.
source: list25.com, image: 2.bp.blogspot.com, image: 3.bp.blogspot.com

12. Beware Of Ants


Even if an Elephant is massive in size, a very small ant can kill it. When an ant get stuck in his trunk, it can be killed after some time, if the ant does not get out. To stay away from an ant, Elephants usually have their trunk up.
source: factslides.com, image: domyownpestcontrol.com

13. What! Elephants Do Have Chin?

Other than Human, Elephants also have the chin. No other animal do have the chin like human and Elephants.
source: theatlantic.com

14. Losing The Ground Now

African Elephant Distribution
African Elephant Distribution
Asian Elephant area
Asian Elephant area

Now Elephants are losing the ground; their population is declining day by day. They are endangered in Asia and vulnerable in Africa.
source: Wikipedia, image: Wikimedia.org, image: Wikimedia.org

15. Very Strong Smelling Senses

The Elephants have very strong smell senses. An elephant can smell water from 12 miles away.
source: factslides.com

16. Have You Seen White Elephants?

White Elephants
White Elephants

The White Elephants (also albino elephant) are rare kind of elephants, but not a distinct species. Although often depicted as snow white, their skin looks like normally a soft reddish-brown, turning a light pink when wet. They are found in Southeast Asia, predominantly in Thailand.
source: Wikipedia, image: qzprod.files.wordpress.com

17. Can You Do It?

Elephants can differentiate between men and women, and between different ethnicities when they hear a voice.
source: factslides.com

18. Mourning The Dead

Elephants mourning their relative
Elephants mourning their relative

Elephants do mourn their relatives who get dead. They frequently visit their relative’s carcasses.
source: list25.com, image: i.ytimg.com